Exhibitions Calendar


Body Unseen Daniela Miszkinis Body Unseen 19/11/2013 - 07/12/2013
Offering Julie Davidson Offering 19/11/2013 - 07/12/2013
Riparian Hannah Quinlivan Riparian 07/11/2013 - 25/01/2014
Cortical Remapping-Colour Manifesto Alan Garcia Cortical Remapping-Colour Manifesto 29/10/2013 - 16/11/2013
Walk the Line Emma Walker Walk the Line 29/10/2013 - 16/11/2013
Coastal Gallery artists Coastal 08/10/2013 - 26/10/2013
Shadow & Light Kathryn Ryan Shadow & Light 08/10/2013 - 26/10/2013
Something Missing Hannah Quinlivan Something Missing 17/09/2013 - 05/10/2013
Elements Agneta Ekholm Elements 17/09/2013 - 05/10/2013
Voltage Dion Horstmans Voltage 27/08/2013 - 14/09/2013
Moves Richard Blackwell Moves 27/08/2013 - 14/09/2013
Honey Gully Karlee Rawkins Honey Gully 06/08/2013 - 24/08/2013
Above & Below Sarah Amos Above & Below 06/08/2013 - 24/08/2013
Alchemy Claire Bridge Alchemy 16/07/2013 - 03/08/2013
Sculpture Jon Eiseman Sculpture 16/07/2013 - 03/08/2013
Exploration 13 Exploration 13 18/06/2013 - 13/07/2013
Disquiet Rebecca Hastings Disquiet 28/05/2013 - 15/06/2013
Vestiges Margaret Ackland Vestiges 28/05/2013 - 13/04/2013
Under South - A History of Fugitive Marks Peter James Smith Under South - A History of Fugitive Marks 07/05/2013 - 25/05/2013
Open the Box Marise Maas Open the Box 16/04/2013 - 04/05/2013
Circus Mark Ogge Circus 19/03/2013 - 13/04/2013
Sense of Place Naomi White Sense of Place 19/03/2013 - 13/04/2013
Objects of Interest... Christine Willcocks Objects of Interest... 26/02/2013 - 16/03/2013
A Loose Nature Josh Robbins A Loose Nature 26/02/2013 - 16/03/2013
Artists of Ampilatwatja Artists of Ampilatwatja 05/02/2013 - 23/02/2013
Seven Sisters Dreaming Alma Granites Seven Sisters Dreaming 05/02/2013 - 23/02/2013